Cold Store ManagementCold Store Management Software

If you are not aware of the cold storage system then let’s understand what is cold storage management. Well, cold storage management is a warehouse in which temperature and humidity are controlled. It is used to preserve items like vegetables, meat, fruits, pharmaceutical products, and more. Our Cold storage management software helps in maintaining inventory, effectively managing payments,  Backup of database,  accessible customer experience, and more.  Our Cold Stores Management Software can be used to track customer’s stock Lot No. / Rack Wise. Record Material Inward / Outward challans, Stock Shifting From One Rack to another etc.   

Cold Store Management Software

Key Features of Our Cold Store Management Software

Cost Effective

Flexible Management

Streamlined Workflow

Payment and Billings

Details About Supplier and Agent

Minimizing Errors

Cold Store ManagementSpecifically Designed for Cold Storage Operations

  • Looking into Truck Number, Driver, and Labour Information Capturing.
  • User-defined fields to define inventory and its characteristics.
  • Bill and Transactions Checking.  
  • Minimizes risk of cold storage management processes.
  • Reduce data entry errors.
  • Monitoring of temperature and humidity levels.
  • A User-friendly interface enhances the productivity.
  • Advanced reporting tools help to gain insights.

FAQCold Store Management Software FAQ

We don’t offer free Cold Store Management software but we show the demo of our software for your better understanding. 

Yes, additional expenses are shown in our Cold Store Management Software.

Yes, with delivery it shows the pending or submitted amount in our software. 

Yes, you can align our software with your existing software but we suggest you use our software because we hold a specialty in enhancing your productivity. 

Yes, our software is affordable and you may not need any special training to understand this software because it is easy to use.  

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